Sustainable development and inclusion: two priorities voted unanimously by the UBE

On December 16th, the provisional board of directors of the Université Bourgogne Europe approved two strategic master plans: the Sustainable Development – Social and Environmental Responsibility master plan (DDRSE) and the Disability master plan. These decisions mark a major step forward for our institution, reinforcing our commitment to building a responsible and inclusive campus.

A first plan for sustainable development

With the Schéma directeur DDRSE, the Université Bourgogne Europe is adopting a comprehensive approach to sustainable development for the first time. This ambitious four-year action plan aims to transform our campuses into models of sustainability and environmental responsibility. Key initiatives include:

  • The submission of an application for the DDRS label, a token of national recognition of our commitment to society;
  • The creation of a ‘Sustainable Campus’ unit dedicated to reducing our ecological footprint and to innovate environmentally.

This plan is part of the school’s commitment to being a key player in change, preparing our students for tomorrow’s world and making our university a more sustainable institution.

A decisive step towards inclusion

The Disability Schéma directeur, which was also passed unanimously, demonstrates our commitment to greater inclusion. By adapting our infrastructure, services and teaching facilities, we aim to guarantee all our students and staff the same opportunities for success and fulfilment. In particular, this action plan aims to improve the integration of students and staff with disabilities, and to promote their inclusion and insertion into the world of work.

A global strategy for the future

Both Schémas directeurs are not isolated initiatives. They’re part of UBE’s overall strategy to address societal and environmental issues, in line with the changes taking place in today’s world. As proof, they were both voted on unanimously.

Towards a more responsible and inclusive future

With these two new Schémas directeurs, Université Bourgogne Europe is reaffirming its pioneering role in higher education and research, as well as in social and environmental innovation. Progressive implementation will begin in January 2025, with particular attention paid to the training of disability advisors and the preparation of applications for the DDRS label.