LadyjTech 3rd edition: UBE celebrates women in Tech

On Wednesday 26 March from 2pm to 9pm, Université Bourgogne Europe will be at the ESTP-ESEO metropolitan campus for LadijTech3. This event, supported by Dijon Métropole, is back for its third edition, putting the spotlight on Women in Tech!

On Wednesday 26 March, the ESTP-ESEO metropolitan campus will be hosting the third edition of LadyjTech. This is a unique event in which female researchers and students from Université Bourgogne Europe will be taking part. Organised around 2 new themes: ‘Industry and International’, the event will take place in three parts: Dij’innov connect, Lady’s industrie and round tables.

Dij’innov Connect session

Dij’innov Connect will mark the launch of LadyjTech3 with a session from 2pm to 5pm, 100% dedicated to R&D and innovation collaborations. This session will be an ideal opportunity to :

  • Discover the potential of public research in our region
  • Identify and discuss with your future innovation partners
  • Learn more about R&D funding schemes, with a focus on the Cifre programme
  • Stands, pitches, presentations of funding schemes, personalised meetings…

Lady’s industry session

From 3pm to 4pm, the ‘Lady’s industrie’ session will showcase the skills of women in industry. The programme will include inspiring stories and practical strategies, with an introduction by David MARTI, President of the Creusot Montceau Urban Community, who will present Bourgogne Industrie and indicators on the role of women in the industrial sector.

The second part of the session will conclude with testimonials and discussions. Three speakers will share their experiences on two themes: ‘Developing women’s careers in industry: presentation of their career paths, challenges and successes’ and ‘Attracting women to careers in industry: strategies and examples of innovative projects to make the sector more attractive’.

Round table session

The event will close with round-table discussions from 5pm to 7.30pm. The programme will include testimonials from company directors, academics, researchers, students and innovation players. The theme of the session will be ‘Women in Tech and Industry Abroad’.

The speakers will include:

  • Xavière Castano, Co-founder and CSR Public Relations Director, Crossject
  • Agathe Decherf, Director of Operations Elexinn
  • Karine Lignel, Co-founder, Vice-President and Chief Operating Officer OPM
  • Laurence Medioni, Co-founder and Director of Sustainable Development Matawan
  • Stéphanie Wicht, Doctor and co-founder of OneVasc
  • Florence Poulet, Co-founder and President Follower Products
  • Marianne Sécheresse, Director CEA Valduc

The FORTHEM alliance in the spotlight

Three guest speakers from Europe, all members of FORTHEM Alliance partner universities, will take part in the round tables:

  • Eva Cathrine Skuthe, Co-founder and CEO of the development department of the start-up OripatchAS – University of Agder
  • Ivana Pibiri, Professor of Organic Chemistry, awarded Italy’s best female innovator by the Itwiin Prize in 2023! – University of Palermo
  • Birgitte Graverholt, Director and Head of Development of the start-up Alivia – University of Agder

They will not only share their visions of innovation and university research in Tech, but also their international outlook.

At the end of an afternoon of exchanges and meetings, the guests will be invited to a cocktail party to discuss this third edition of LadyjTech.

Register now (link in french) and come celebrate women in Tech!