I register at the university
Registration steps for individual international students
Contribution to student and campus life (Contribution à la vie étudiante et de campus, CVEC)
- See this video explanation from Campus France.
- Amount: approximately 100 euros/year. Good to know: students on French government grants are exempt from this fee.
- Payment period: from July to the day of your administrative registration at University in September.
- Procedure: log on to the CVEC website and choose your method of payment – online with a bank card or in cash at a French post office.
- Good to know: someone else can make this payment for you.
- Don’t forget to present your proof of payment of the Contribution à la vie étudiante et de campus when you register with International Office.
Université Bourgogne Europe tuition fees
Updated fees are usually published on this page at the end of June.
Academic year 2024/2025
National tuition fees
- 250€ per academic year.
- All students at Master level must pay the national tuition fees (except students receiving a French government grant).
- The payment for programmes taught in Dijon can be made by credit card or French bank check only during enrolment on site.
Specific fees also apply for the following programmes
- International Master in Business Studies (IMBS): 3500€ per academic year.
- International Management and Sustainability: (IMS): 3500€ per academic year.
- Intercultural Management (ICM): 4000€ per academic year.
- Projects in International and European Cultural Engineering (PIECE): 4000€ per academic year.
- Vision and Robotics (VIBOT): 1500€ per academic year (above mentioned National tuition fees included).
- Medical Imaging and Applications (MaIA):
- 4500€ per academic year for EU students (French National and programme specific tuition fees included);
- 5500€ per academic year for non-EU students (French National and programme specific tuition fees included).
- The global fee payment process is fully managed by Universitat de Girona, MaIA programme coordinating institution. For further information, please see the MaIA website.
The payment of specific fees must be made before the start of classes, by bank transfer.
Payment instructions for the VIBOT and MaIA programmes are provided by the coordinating team.
Administrative registration, organized by the International Office, takes place in person in Dijon at the beginning of the academic year (end of August-beginning of September). The exact location, dates and times are published on this page at the end of June.
In order to register, you must be in possession of all the required documents and pay the registration fee.
Students admitted to a program on a campus other than the Dijon campus, and students admitted to the IUT Dijon, should contact their program’s registrar for registration information.
Once you have completed your administrative registration with the International Office, you must also contact the administrative department of the course you have enrolled in to complete your course registration (choice of options, etc.), if necessary.
Remember: if your course starts before you’ve completed your administrative registration, you can (and should!) still take part in classes.