CAIRE project: Minister François Rebsamen visits the UBE

On 14 February, François Rebsamen, Minister for Regional Planning and Decentralisation and President of Dijon Métropole, and Nathalie Koenders, Mayor of Dijon, visited Polytech Dijon, the engineering school of Université Bourgogne Europe, as part of the development of AI-related projects, in particular the innovative CAIRE project.

This project is coordinated by Arts et Métiers ParisTech, École Nationale Supérieure d’Arts et Métiers, which brings together CESI, Conservatoire National des Arts et Métiers, Université Bourgogne Europe and Paris School of Business, and aims to put in place a sustainable approach to training students, teachers, university staff and all citizens in the uses of AI.

The Caire project is a pioneering initiative that demonstrates our ability to respond to major societal challenges’, Vincent Thomas, President of UBE.

The company Atol CD and the start-ups UMMON HealthTech, Casis and FOUR DATA then spoke about their use of AI (EDM assistance, precision medicine, remote inventory, cardiac MRI analysis).

Accompanied by the President of UBE, the visit concluded with a presentation of the university’s Data Centre, the only one in the region. The Data Centre provides advanced computing resources for researchers and teachers, including an intensive computing cluster, scientific software, and data storage and backup solutions.